
期刊论文 4


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2007 1


视频缓存;寡头垄断市场;博弈论;纳什均衡;稳定性分析 1

认知无线网络;多用户功率控制;非合作博弈;纳什均衡;投影梯度 1


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Pathological study of 130 cases of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease based on NASH-CRN system

ZHOU Guangde, ZHAO Jingmin, DING Xiaohui, PAN Deng, SUN Yanling, YANG Jianfa, ZHAO Yulai

《医学前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第4期   页码 413-417 doi: 10.1007/s11684-007-0081-8

摘要: To summarize the pathological features of nonalcoholic liver disease (NAFLD) in China based on a histological scoring system for NAFLD designed by the Pathology Committee of NASH Clinical Research Network (NASH-CRN), the specimens of liver needle biopsies from 130 patients with NAFLD were histopathologically analyzed by haematoxylin eosin, reticular fiber and Masson trichrome stain. Immunohistochemistry staining was used to exclude non-NAFLD cases combined with clinical data. Hepatic steatosis, lobular inflammation, hepatocytic ballooning and fibrosis were presented widespread in NAFLD liver tissues. Furthermore, macrovesicular steatosis predominantly located in acinar zone 3 was the main histologic feature of NAFLD and lobular inflammation was usually presented mildly. Hepatocyte ballooning was observed in 94.6% of all 130 cases. Mild perisinusoidal fibrosis and periportal fibrosis were often observed in stage 1 cases. According to the statistic analysis, hepatic steatosis was positively correlated with lobular inflammation, hepatocytic ballooning and fibrosis ( = 0.587, 0.488, 0.374, respectively, all value<0.01). The number of microgranulomas, lipogranulomas and apoptotic bodies increased following severity of steatosis, lobular inflammation and fibrosis. Meanwhile, the number of megamitochondria and glycogen nuclei was paralleveled to the degree of hepatocytic ballooning ( value all<0.01). We suggest that the role of portal inflammation should be emphasized besides hepatic steatosis, lobular inflammation, hepatocyte ballooning and fibrosis in diagnosis and evaluation of NAFLD. It needs to be further verified whether microgranulomas, lipogranulomas and apoptosis bodies could be used as histopathological markers of development of AFLD. The number of megamitochondria is more frequently be found in NAFLD, while in alcoholic liver diseases was Mallory bodies.

Role of Akkermansia muciniphila in the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: current knowledge and perspectives

《医学前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第5期   页码 667-685 doi: 10.1007/s11684-022-0960-z

摘要: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome and a common cause of liver cirrhosis and cancer. Akkermansia muciniphila (A. muciniphila) is a next-generation probiotic that has been reported to improve metabolic disorders. Emerging evidence indicates the therapeutic potential of A. muciniphila for NAFLD, especially in the inflammatory stage, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Here, the current knowledge on the role of A. muciniphila in the progression of NAFLD was summarized. A. muciniphila abundancy is decreased in animals and humans with NAFLD. The recovery of A. muciniphila presented benefits in preventing hepatic fat accumulation and inflammation in NAFLD. The details of how microbes regulate hepatic immunity and lipid accumulation in NAFLD were further discussed. The modulation mechanisms by which A. muciniphila acts to improve hepatic inflammation are mainly attributed to the alleviation of inflammatory cytokines and LPS signals and the downregulation of microbiota-related innate immune cells (such as macrophages). This review provides insights into the roles of A. muciniphila in NAFLD, thereby providing a blueprint to facilitate clinical therapeutic applications.

关键词: Akkermansia muciniphila     NAFLD     NASH     steatosis     inflammation    

一种基于博弈论的无线接入网中缓存资源共享方法 Article

Jun-feng XIE,Ren-chao XIE,Tao HUANG,Jiang LIU,F. Richard YU,Yun-jie LIU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第17卷 第12期   页码 1253-1265 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1500497

摘要: 随着智能手机、平板电脑等智能终端设备的快速普及,无线网络流量呈爆炸式增长,其中占主导地位的视频流量的增长尤为显著,根据思科的预测,从2014年到2019年,移动视频的复合年增长率(Compound annual growth rate, CAGR)为66%。在无线网络中部署缓存被认为是应对流量爆炸式增长的一种有效的解决方案。虽然已经有很多论文关注蜂窝网络中的内容缓存问题,但这些论文基本上都集中在内容缓存的性能优化和能量有效,而多个服务提供商(Service provider servers, SPSs)之间的缓存资源共享问题是被忽略的一个研究点。然而对于这个问题的研究是很有必要的,因为从SPS的角度,在基站缓存流行的内容,不仅可以改善用户体验,还可以减少对于回程网带宽的需求以节约成本,因此SPS必须要考虑最佳的缓存空间需求量以获得最大的收益。本文我们主要考虑这个问题,即在基站部署缓存的假设前提下,多个SPSs如何有效的共享这些缓存资源。本文的创新点主要有以下几方面:  • 本文的场景为一个基站和多个SPSs,系统被建模为寡头垄断市场,其中基站是产品(缓存空间)的提供方,以一定的价格(通过价格函数定义)向产品的需求方(SPSs)收取费用,SPSs共享基站的缓存空间。  • 我们将SPSs对于缓存空间的竞争建模为一个动态的非合作博弈的古诺模型,并通过基于Newton-Raphson方法的迭代算法来获得最佳的缓存空间需求量(古诺模型的纳什均衡解)。  • 仿真部分详细分析了不同参数下的这种动态缓存资源分配机制的性能和稳定性特征。

关键词: 视频缓存;寡头垄断市场;博弈论;纳什均衡;稳定性分析    

认知无线网络中一种基于投影梯度的多用户功率控制方法 None

Yun-zheng TAO, Chun-yan WU, Yu-zhen HUANG, Ping ZHANG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第19卷 第3期   页码 367-378 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1700067

摘要: 5G网络被认为能够支持未来爆炸性增长的数据需求,这主要得益于不断增长的高速移动用户数量以及人与物之间的交互预期。认知无线电(cognitive radio, CR)是提高频谱利用率的有效技术之一,可适应日益增长的数据流量和稀缺的频谱资源。本文研究了基于衬垫式频谱共享的认知无线网络中的次用户功率控制问题。与现有文献大多通过假设单一主用户或者单一信道来简化问题不同,本文研究了多主用户多次用户多信道这一更符合实际的场景。我们将功率控制问题描述为一个具有耦合约束的非合作博弈,其帕累托最优性和最大次网络吞吐量可通过纳什均衡解得。为得到该纳什均衡解,首先提出一种基于投影梯度的动态模型,证明该模型的平衡点等价于原博弈的纳什均衡,并提出一种集中式算法求解该平衡点。仿真结果验证了所提出算法的收敛性、有效性和优势,并且在网络规模增大的情况下验证了算法的鲁棒性。

关键词: 认知无线网络;多用户功率控制;非合作博弈;纳什均衡;投影梯度    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Pathological study of 130 cases of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease based on NASH-CRN system

ZHOU Guangde, ZHAO Jingmin, DING Xiaohui, PAN Deng, SUN Yanling, YANG Jianfa, ZHAO Yulai


Role of Akkermansia muciniphila in the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: current knowledge and perspectives



Jun-feng XIE,Ren-chao XIE,Tao HUANG,Jiang LIU,F. Richard YU,Yun-jie LIU



Yun-zheng TAO, Chun-yan WU, Yu-zhen HUANG, Ping ZHANG
